Gen Dahlan, welcomed all members of the Council. He apprised them the present situation of the pandemic, and he also expressed that a few Asian Competitions that were postponed in the first quarter of 2022 will now be held in the 2nd half of the year. He also spoke about the strategy plan for the development of the Asian Federations . With these words, he asked Ms Wang Nan to brief the present situation in China and happenings of the Competitions in China.
Ms. Wang Nan of the Chinese Federation apprised the Council members about the decision of the Government of China to postpone the 19th Asian Games that were to be held in September at Hangzhou, China. The postponement was inevitable in the wake of the new outbreak of the Coronavirus in many of the Chinese cities. All preparations for organizing the 19th Asian Games were completed, and the unforeseen outbreak of the virus was very unfortunate. The situation is being monitored very closely by the Chinese authorities and the new dates will be announced as soon as the situation permits.
General Akram Sahi, Chairman of the working group for developing an Asian strategic plan apprised the council about the work done by the group members. A final draft of the strategic plan will be presented to the AAA President and council in August for approval.
Council Members were also briefed about other various Athletics competitions that were postponed in 2022. CK Valson reported upon his visits to venues of the 10th Asian Indoor Athletics Championships, Kazakhstan, 4th Asian Youth Athletics Championships, Kuwait. Asian Cross Country Championships, Nepal, all venues are well prepared and will hold the scheduled competitions under safe conditions.
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