Salwa Eid Naser of Bahrain beat her hero to win sliver in World Championship

London, 10 Aug: Teenager Salwa Eid Naser of Bahrain became the first Asian to win medal in the Women 400m run. Naser set new National record of 50.06s to claim silver medal beating her childhood hero Allyson Felix to third place. Former World youth champion in 400m has progressed rapidly since her gold medal winning performance in Cali in 2015. 

Naser said “I think I surprised my opponents and I even surprised myself,” she said. “Coming to these championships, I really did not think about a medal. After all the hard training I have been through, I just hoped to do something big.

“I was not chasing Felix; I was pushing myself until the very end. I did not even see what was going on in the last metres. Felix is my role model. I am following her on Instagram.

“In the future I will also focus on the 200m, but it’s 400m for now.”
