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Doha ready to host Asia’s best athletes

Doha- Doha, the world-renowned athletics destination, is set to welcome Asia’s top athletes in less than a month’ time when the city plays host to the 23rd Asian Athletics Championships from


1st International Navroz Half Marathon – Tashkent

24 March 2019, Tashkent: The historic city of Tashkent held its first ever International Half Marathon. The 1st International Navroz Half Marathon was attended by AAA President Gen. Dahlan Al


South East Asian Athletic Association Council meeting 2019

14 February 2019: Council meeting of South East Asian Athletic Association was held this morning in Bangkok, Thailand. General Secretary of SEAAA Pol.Maj.Gen. Surapong Ariyamongkol , welcomed the council members


Candidatures for the election of the AAA Council 2019-2023

Singapore, 16th March 2019 – Candidatures for the election of the Asian Athletics Association Council for the term 2019-2023 has been finalised. Asian Athletics Association member federation’s delegates will gather in Doha, Qatar on